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Memorandum for the Record on EVOs

"EVO" = Exotic Vacuum Object"

Ken Shoulder seems to be making them on the mesoscopic scale.

All lepto-quarks are also spatially-extended EVOs on the fermi scale 10^-13 cm in their rest frames, that shrink from spatial warping to ~ 10^-16 cm when probed with high-energy impact parameters, are Bohm hidden variables, i.e. Wheeler's "IT".

The Galactic Halo holding the stars together in our galaxy is a large EVO.

Flying saucers weightless warp drive is EVO advanced super technology.

That is, UFO "G-Engines" (George Trimble in Nick Cook's "The Hunt for Zero Point") making Paul Hill's "acceleration fields" are EVO engines.

On possibly "cold fusion" application of EVOs see p. 77 of August 2004 "Popular Mechanics".

On Aug 24, 2004, at 7:08 PM, Ken Shoulders wrote:

I have put some thoughts on the web and enclosed a copy for your inspection. Please let me know if I am way off or have said something already well known. In addition, see if you can find any of your dark stuff sticking to electrons that might cause the short range attraction without harming the long range repulsion so revered by all.

That's exactly what my equations show! :-)

I will get back to your write up in a few days. :-)

Briefly the argument goes like this:

The Coulomb electric repulsive self energy per electron for an N electron EVO charge cluster of radius r* is

~ N^2e^2/mr*

Imagine all N electrons distributed uniformly in a thin spherical shell, Think of each electron Bohm hidden variable as a sphere of radius ~ h/mc. Therefore, N spheres close packed have an area A ~ N(h/mc)^2. The Schwarzschild curvature radius r* is defined as

A = 4pir*^2

Therefore, ignoring rotation of the sphere and IGNORING the QED Casimir force (stick them in later), keeping only the zero point energy induced effective gravity from Einstein's exotic vacuum field equation

Guv + /\zpfguv = 0

in this crude toy model (BTW Hal Puthoff does not understand this last equation. You will never find it in any of his papers related to "metric engineering" yet it is the fundamental equation for metric engineering!) ignoring small rational fractions of pi for this back of the envelope estimate:

N(h/mc)^2 ~ r*^2 for close packing

For a uniform spherical core of exotic vacuum /\zpf holding the N electrons together in the spherical shell, the gravity self-energy per unit electron is simply

~ c^2/\zpfr*^2

Note that this is a 3D harmonic oscillator potential! It has a natural symmetry group SU(3) as I recall? Also like the quark potential the energy increases with separation!

Why is it a 3D harmonic oscillator potential? Simple, drill a hole through the center of the Earth and drop a ball. I am using Newton's law of gravity that the mass beyond the position of the ball does not influence its motion. With rotation there will be frame drag gravimagnetism of course that is missing in Hal's PV model.

For dynamical equilibrium you need to have the negative gradients of all the potential energies add up to zero. Worry about stability later.

Therefore the equilibrium is

N^2e^2/mc^2r*^2 - 2/\zpfr* = 0


N(e^2/mc^2)(mc/h)^2 = 2/\zpfN^1/2(h/mc)

/\zpf ~ N^1/2(e^2/mc^2)(mc/h)^2 ~ N^1/2(137)(mc/h)^2

Note that if N ~ 10^11

r* ~ 10^5 10^-11 ~ 10^-6 cm ~ 10 nanometers

on this model that ignores rotation and Casimir force as a first approximation.

Note that /\zpf scales only as the square root of the total number N of electrons in the charge cluster EVO ignoring rotation of the EVO about its center of mass and also ignoring the QED Casimir force.

Note that you need an anti-gravity repulsive core /\zpf of positive zero point energy density with negative quantum pressure to hold your EVO together because the electric repulsion energy is positive but decreases with increasing distance. The zero point energy induced strong gravity of the exotic vacuum core needs to be positive because it then increases with separation to make a minimum well of stability in the total potential energy! So that this is actually a "dark energy core" of the EVO! Just what the doctor ordered for cold fusion BTW! :-)

Note further that dark energy makes Hal Puthoff PV parameter K < 1 in his simplest SSS model. Not that I think Puthoff's PV model is any good of course, but at least it is testable and has that feature that Hal was looking for.

Appendix on Hal Puthoff's PV Model

On Aug 24, 2004, at 5:44 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

PS Let me for the record explicitly address Hal's

Wrong again.  Proper control of K in the PV model IS control of vacuum coherence, just like ZPE mode suppression between Casimir plates IS control of interference patterns by boundary conditions.  You've never gotten this, have you?  (Others have.)  Wake up and smell the chai! 

There Hal goes again dragging in the dead cat of the QED Casimir force, which has nothing to do with the direct gravity effect of zero point energy. Hal seems to equate

"ZPE mode suppression" with "vacuum coherence".

This is not what I mean by "vacuum coherence".

First of all, Hal is only thinking of random virtual photons trapped between two plates. I am thinking of a "More is different" local complex order parameter from a vacuum condensate of virtual electron-positron pairs.

How does Hal propose to get warp drives and wormholes from the tiny Casimir force between two plates?

The direct gravity effect of zero point energy has nothing at all to do with the Casimir force, nor do you need plates particularly. It has to do with the Einstein field equation for the exotic vacuum that is

Guv + /\zpfguv = 0

In any case I challenge Hal to make some simple mathematical models of what he means by

"just like ZPE mode suppression between Casimir plates IS control of interference patterns by boundary conditions"

And how that helps in the quest to metric engineer warp drives and traversable wormhole time travel star gates?

On Aug 24, 2004, at 5:30 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

1.1 Do a comparative analysis of the CERN document

and the NIDS documents

Point out strengths and weaknesses in each.

1.2 What is wrong and or right with Hal Puthoff's statement:

On Aug 24, 2004, at 3:38 PM, wrote:

In a message dated 8/24/2004 4:44:47 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
Metric engineering is the control of the phase of the vacuum coherence.
 Puthoff, Davis, Haisch, Vallee and all the Boys at NIDS, NASA BPP,
 MITRE, BAE et-al have not the slightest inkling of what this is.

Wrong again.  Proper control of K in the PV model IS control of vacuum coherence, just like ZPE mode suppression between Casimir plates IS control of interference patterns by boundary conditions.  You've never gotten this, have you?  (Others have.)  Wake up and smell the chai! 
You can continue to say the above as often as you like, but, unlike Picard, it does not make it so!  :-)

What does Hal mean by "K"?

In his simplest charge neutral SSS model

K = e^2GM/c^2r

Where does the "vacuum coherence" appear in Hal's formula?

What is Hal Puthoff's definition of "vacuum coherence"?

Hint: He has yet to publish one.

Assuming Hal comes up with a definition of "vacuum coherence" precise enough to compare with his "K", are we talking about the same idea?

Where does the term "vacuum coherence" appear in any of Hal's papers? Ditto for the recent paper by Vallee and Davis.

Where does the term "dark energy"appear in any of Hal's papers? Ditto for the recent paper by Vallee and Davis.

Where and when does Hal discuss the relationships among "dark energy", "K" and "vacuum coherence"?

Where does Hal give a practical procedure, in principle as a gedankexperiment at least, for how to control K significantly and how to make K < 1?

Jack Sarfatti's solution to problem 1.2 for the historical record.

For the record. Here is my ORIGINAL formula for the above problem using Hal's PV model that is not found in any of his papers. For a uniform exotic vacuum distribution of positive zero point pressure, i.e. a uniform sphere of "dark matter" of radius r* like the Galactic Halo, assuming Hal's wrong PV model, then

GM is replaced by -c^2/\zpfr*^3 neglecting small rational factors of pi

In the conventions used exotic vacuum /\zpf < 0 gravitates as "dark matter" and /\zpf > 0 anti-gravitates as "dark energy".

Therefore, at least for r > r*

K = e^-2/\zpfr*^3/r

Note that K > 1 for /\zpf < 0, i.e. for gravitating "dark matter" attractive phase of exotic vacuum.

K < 1 for /\zpf > 0, i.e. for anti-gravitating "dark energy" repulsive phase of exotic vacuum.


/\zpf = (Quantum of Area)^-1[(Quantum of Volume)|Vacuum Coherence|^2 - 1]

Where "Vacuum Coherence" is a LOCAL complex scalar field that derives primarily from a virtual electron-positron pair condensate whose phase gives Einstein's metric field guv.

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